SOLA Student ministry

The SOLA student ministry is based on the "5 Solas" of the Reformation:

SOLA Gratia - Grace Alone

SOLA Fide - Faith Alone

SOLA Christus - Christ Alone

SOLA Scriptura - Scripture Alone

Soli Deo Gloria - Glory of God Alone

We believe that salvation is by GRACE alone, through FAITH alone in CHRIST alone, as revealed in SCRIPTURE alone, to the GLORY of GOD alone. 


If you have any questions, please see if these drop-downs answer them.  If not, the bottom tab will be a contact information page, feel free to contact us for any additional questions you may have!

  • SOLA Student Ministry meets every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm to 7:30pm during the school year.  

    During the Summer months, we will meet every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

  • We encourage all parents to stay and participate in our weekly studies.  We have several youth parents who stay and participate.  They would love to sit and chat with you!

  • If there is an event coming up, we do require that you submit a liability waiver for your student.  

    The waiver can be downloaded here

    You can fill it out and email it back to Pastor Dalen, or you can download it and bring it back in person.  

  • Once a year, we will require that your youth read and acknowledge that they agree with the Exchange Church Youth Code of Conduct.  The form will also require at least one parent/guardian signature to acknowledge that the form has been read and understood. 

    The Code of Conduct states that:

    As a participant in youth ministry activities, I agree that, during my participation in, or attendance at youth ministry events, mission trips or other activities, I am responsible for my actions.

    As a participant in Exchange Church Youth Ministry, I will...

    • Recognize that everyone in the group, whether member or visitor, is a part of the body of Christ. I will make sure my actions make everyone feel welcome and a part of the group.
    • Respect the physical and emotional well-being of all in the group by treating everyone the way I want to be treated.This includes horseplay, violence, profanity, and bullying.
    • Respect the things I use and the property of the places I visit while participating in Youth Ministry events. The areas used for all events, including transportation, shall be left clean.
    • Avoid any inappropriate public displays of affection.
    • Follow all instructions given by group leaders and chaperones without protest. (An instruction may be
    • politely and discreetly questioned if the instruction seems unreasonable).
    • Stay within the group or assigned area at all times.
    • I will not wander off alone or leave the activity site unless granted permission by a group leader, and I will report for all designated check-in times.
    • Hold safety in the highest regard and refrain from compromising my own or another person’s safety.

    • Provide a trusting and learning environment for myself and my peers. When others share something about themselves in group discussions, I will not repeat that information to others outside of the group.
    • Furthermore, I will not mock, bully, chastise, or in any way make fun of those who are attempting to learn, or sharing personal information with the group. 

    This form can be downloaded HERE

    You can fill it out and email it back to Pastor Dalen, or you can download it and bring it back in person. 

  • If you have further questions please feel free to contact Pastor Dalen at: